All posts from 2016

Easy Like Friday Morning

by Armenak Tokmajyan on January 27, 2016


For most people in a Muslim-majority country like Syria, Friday is a day of rest. Shops and cafes mostly close until the afternoon when Friday prayers are over and then business builds only slowly towards the evening rush. For many young Aleppians, it was meant to be a lazy morning. For me, an Armenian, I had to wake up early to go to school. But Friday mornings will always make me think of three things: a breakfast of the best ful in the world, delicious Syrian sweets – Shuebiyat or Zlebyeh — and drinking coffee by Aleppo’s citadel.

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Armenak TokmajyanEasy Like Friday Morning

January 18-25

by The Aleppo Project on January 27, 2016

The Aleppo Weekly is a compilation of what CCNR staff found to be the week’s most compelling stories, images, videos, and other resources that provide information about the life in the Syrian city, analyze the conflict that is destroying it, and help residents plan for their future. The weekly follows topics of interest to the Center’s researchers, and has a special focus on those displaced from the city and others whose voices are rarely heard when it comes to peacemaking or reconstruction.

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The Aleppo ProjectJanuary 18-25

January 11-17

by The Aleppo Project on January 19, 2016

The Aleppo Weekly is a compilation of what CCNR staff found to be the week’s most compelling stories, images, videos, and other resources that provide information about the life in the Syrian city, analyze the conflict that is destroying it, and help residents plan for their future. The weekly follows topics of interest to the Center’s researchers, and has a special focus on those displaced from the city and others whose voices are rarely heard when it comes to peacemaking or reconstruction.

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The Aleppo ProjectJanuary 11-17

January 4-10

by The Aleppo Project on January 11, 2016

The Aleppo Weekly is a compilation of what CCNR staff found to be the week’s most compelling stories, images, videos, and other resources that provide information about the life in the Syrian city, analyze the conflict that is destroying it, and help residents plan for their future. The weekly follows topics of interest to the Center’s researchers, and has a special focus on those displaced from the city and others whose voices are rarely heard when it comes to peacemaking or reconstruction.

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The Aleppo ProjectJanuary 4-10

“For Aleppo”

by The Aleppo Project on January 6, 2016


This is a wonderful piece composed by Gábor Berkó, a young Hungarian composer, and performed by Budapest- based musicians on the day The Aleppo Project was officially launched. The artists did this work on a voluntary basis to demonstrate their solidarity with Syrians who live the brutal war in Syria on a daily basis. While the music video clearly shows the destruction and pain brought to Aleppo by the fighting, it also remembers the good days from the past and ends on a hopeful note.

However far Budapest seems from Aleppo and however bad Hungary’s image may appear nowadays in context of the Refugee Crisis, we should also remember that there are many warmhearted people here who think about and feel others’ suffering.

This music and video are dedicated to one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities – Aleppo.

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The Aleppo Project“For Aleppo”

December 28-January 3

by The Aleppo Project on January 5, 2016

The Aleppo Weekly is a compilation of what CCNR staff found to be the week’s most compelling stories, images, videos, and other resources that provide information about the life in the Syrian city, analyze the conflict that is destroying it, and help residents plan for their future. The weekly follows topics of interest to the Center’s researchers, and has a special focus on those displaced from the city and others whose voices are rarely heard when it comes to peacemaking or reconstruction.

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The Aleppo ProjectDecember 28-January 3